Webinar: How a Project Approach will Build Change Capability - Prosci 變革管理培訓中心

Webinar: How a Project Approach will Build Change Capability

Date : 2020-06-04  8pm ~ 9pm

This webinar will help you develop your project and change management plan to institutionalize change management as a fundamental competency across your business. After all, failing to treat this effort as a project and a change is one of the most common mistakes change managers make.

This event is over. View this webinar replay here.

Dr. Johnny Tsai

Dr. Tsai holds a master’s degree in Information Management and a master’s degree in Operations Management from Georgia State University. He is a Certified Change Management Practitioner and Advance Instructor at Prosci. He has worked in a number of large multinational companies such as DEC, Compaq, HP, Jingye, Jintai and Foxconn as several senior executive positions. There are much extensive experience in corporate operation planning management, enterprise information project management and consulting, and also have many years of teaching experience in university business management and information management.